
Wednesday 30 October 2013

Trigonometry: Radian Measure


"Radian measure, including use of arc length and area of sector. The formulae s = rӨ and A = ½ r2Ө for a circle are expected to be known."


Radian Measure

1)      What is a radian? How to convert degrees to radian and vice versa?

a.       1 radian subtends an arc length of 1 radius, r, in a sector; or, conversely,
       an arc length of 1 radius in a sector subtends an angle of 1 radian at the centre of the circle.

b.      Since a circle has 2πr as its ‘arc length’ or, circumference,
                                                               i.      a circle of 360o has (2πr ÷ r) radian or 2π radian;
                                                             ii.      which means 360o = 2π radian
                                                            iii.      180o = π radian (2π/2 radian)
                                                           iv.      90o = π/2 radian (since 2 x 90o = 180o)
                                                             v.      60o = π/3 radian (since 3 x 60o = 180o)
                                                           vi.      45o = π/4 radian (since 4 x 45o = 180o)
                                                          vii.      30o = π/6 radian (since 6 x 30o = 180o)
                                                        viii.      270o = 3π/2 radian (since 3 x 90o = 180o)

c.       Generally, to convert xo to radian, we use:
xo = (xo/180o) π radian

d.       And, to convert Ө radian to degrees, we use:
Ө radian = (Ө/π) 180o (since π radian = 180o)

2)      Arc Length, s = Өr

a.       Arc Length: Since 1 radian subtends an arc length of 1 radius, r, Ө radian therefore subtends Өr arc length. Thus,

Arc Length, s = Өr

b.      Segment perimeter, p = Өr + 2r sin(Ө/2)

                                                              i.      Segment perimeter = arc length + chord length
                                                            ii.      Arc length = Өr
                                                          iii.      Chord length = (2)[r sin(Ө/2)] --- bisect Ө to find half-chord length, then multiply by 2 to get full-chord length
                                                          iv.      Thus, Segment perimeter, p = Өr + 2r sin(Ө/2)

3)      Area of sector, Asec = (1/2)(Ө)r2

Sector Area
a.       Since Circle Area = πr2;
b.      A Circle has 360o or 2π radian at its centre.
c.       So, its sector of Ө radian will have a sector area A = (Ө/2π) πr2 proportionately. After cancelling down or simplifying, we get:

Sector area, Asec = (1/2)(Ө)r2

                  Segment Area, Aseg = (1/2)r2(Ө - sinӨ)

d.      Segment area = Sector Area – Triangle Area (the triangle formed by the 2 radii and the chord of the sector)
e.       Sector area, Asec = (1/2)(Ө)r2 – please see above
f.        Triangle Area, AΔ = (1/2)(r)(r)sinӨ – Sine Formula for Area of Δ
g.       Therefore,

Segment Area = Sector Area – Triangle Area
                        = (1/2)(Ө)r2 - (1/2)(r)(r)sinӨ

                        = (1/2)r2(Ө – sinӨ)

(Practice Questions coming up soon...Next, the relationship between Reference Angle, Principal Angle and the angle that you want to find...Click and view this video as it will help you in this area.)


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